Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Stay Updated with your Dandelion Dental Team

5 Things to Do For A Dental Emergency

Do you know what you need to do in a dental emergency? Our Whitehorse dentists provide some advice about what you could do - and potentially help your oral health - until you can see a dentist.

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Dental Veneer FAQs

If your teeth are crooked, misaligned, stained, or chipped, it can be uncomfortable showing off your smile. Dental veneers may be an option for you to consider, and our Whitehorse dentists are here to answer some FAQs.

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How does dental hygiene affect your overall health?

Good oral hygiene helps you keep your mouth healthy, preventing dental decay and gum disease. Here, our Whitehorse dentists explain how a healthy mouth can contribute to better overall health and wellbeing as well.

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How Professional Teeth Whitening is Done

If your teeth have become discoloured, whitening is an option. Learn how professional teeth whitening at our Whitehorse office is done, as well as the types of teeth whitening procedures your dentist can perform.

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How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Caring for your teeth and gums is important for your oral hygiene and your overall health. Here, our Whitehorse dentists share 10 tips for keeping your smile happy and healthy for years to come.

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What are your options for cosmetic services?

Interested in learning about your options for cosmetic dental treatments, and what sorts of conditions they can address? Our Whitehorse dentists provide some information to get you started below!

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Brushing vs Flossing: Which Comes First

Many people know on a basic level that brushing and flossing are recommended by dentists as part of a good oral hygiene routine. Some patients however are unclear on the finer details, like what order they should be done in or if one is more important than the other. Today, our Whitehorse dentists talk about brushing and flossing in detail.

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How To Care For Dental Veneers

Veneers provide a relatively quick and long-lasting fix for teeth that are stained, chipped, misaligned, or irregularly shaped. They are a fantastic way to help reshape your smile. Whitehorse dentists are here to tell you how to take proper care of them.

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Flossing: is it really necessary?

Our Whitehorse dentists recommend you brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss once a day. But some patients choose to skip flossing for a number of reasons. Here, we explain why flossing is important and why you should avoid skipping it.

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Dental Bonding vs. Dental Veneers

Cosmetic dental procedures such as dental bonding and veneers are a great way to lighten and transform your smile. Our Whitehorse dentists are here to explain the key differences between each procedure.

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Take pride in your smile. Your friendly Whitehorse dentist is waiting to meet you today!

+1 (867) 667-7227