Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Stay Updated with your Dandelion Dental Team

Your Child’s First Dental Cleaning: What to Expect

According to our Whitehorse dentists, here is what you may anticipate from your child's first dental cleaning.

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How long does dental bonding last?

How long does dental bonding last?

Curious about how long dental bonding lasts? Our Whitehorse reveal the answer - and address your questions about how the process works, financial considerations and alternatives.

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Planning For Cosmetic Dental Treatment

When it comes to cosmetic dental treatments, it may seem simple in theory: we all want straighter, whiter smiles. But in reality, it takes a lot of planning on the part of your dentist to try and give you the smile you want.

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What Jaw Pain Means: What Causes It and How to Treat It

What Jaw Pain Means: What Causes It and How to Treat It

Having a painful jaw can often be a sign of dental issues such as TMJ Disorder, toothache, or sometimes more serious conditions. Here are some of the possible explanations for jaw pain and how to alleviate some of the pain.

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What are the components of a good brushing and flossing routine?

Bleeding gums can be a sign of dental health complications, many of which are quite severe and require immediate attention. Here, the Whitehorse dentists from Dandelion Dental explain how to prevent and treat bleeding gums, and provide guidance on when there is cause for more serious concern.

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What actually happens when you get your teeth whitened?

What actually happens when you get your teeth whitened?

You’ve not only seen famous actors but also your friends getting impressive results from teeth whitening – but how does the procedure actually work? Our Whitehorse dentists want to illuminate this process for you.

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Dentistry for the Entire Family: How Dental Services Differ By Age

Dentistry for the Entire Family: How Dental Services Differ By Age

Everyone's dental needs differ depending on their age and medical history. Our Whitehorse dentists are here to explain the key differences between dental care for children, teens, adults, and seniors. 

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How long does teeth whitening actually last?

Are you considering asking your dentist about a teeth whitening treatment but aren't sure how long it will last? Our Whitehorse dentists explain both our at-home and in-office whitening options and the factors that determine how white your smile will remain and for how long.

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Do These Simple Things to Avoid Gum Disease

Do These Simple Things to Avoid Gum Disease

Gum disease is a relatively common issue affecting adults in Canada, which comes about due to poor oral hygiene. Here, our Whitehorse dentists clarify how poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease and some steps you can take now to ward off the disease.

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What are my options for teeth whitening?

What are my options for teeth whitening?

Periodontal disease not only affects your oral health, it can be detrimental to your overall physical health. Today, our Whitehorse dentists talk about periodontitis and offer tips on prevention.

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Take pride in your smile. Your friendly Whitehorse dentist is waiting to meet you today!

+1 (867) 667-7227